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Dancehall King

“Mr Bogle” “Mr Wacky” or Gerald Levy

whichever name you choose he is the undisputed king of dancehall dancing.

Mr. Bogle real name Gerald Levy known to many as Mr. Wacky gained his title in dancehall dancing many years ago which gave hope to a lot of upcoming dancers for them to realize that dancehall dancing can actually become a worldwide movement coming from a little island.

In fact Bogle started touring in England America, Japan and also the Caribbean displaying his unique way of dancing and his unforgettable character.

Bogle always wanted everyone around him to be dancing, even if they never tried dancehall dancing before and it’s always amazing to see how well he easily gets you moving. Bogle was the first street dancehall dancer to gain fame and fortune for his craft and was known as a slang master who had everyone using his slangs even dancehall artists put them in their songs.

Mr. Bogle passed away in January 2005 and is still being talked about everyday around the world, also his dance moves are still relevant since he created so many dance moves that are still being done or reconstructed, his legacy still lives on and will be remembered forever, even dancers of these days still pay tribute to the late Bogle. R.I.P Dancehall King.

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